Individuelle Begleitung und sinnvolle Teilzeiteinsätze im Rahmen der Sozialhilfe
Eastern Switzerland region

Meaningful part time positions by way of social assistance

HEKS/EPER Visit Eastern Switzerland

The long-term unemployed often fail to return to gainful employment even after countless attempts. This also frequently causes loneliness. «HEKS/EPER Visit Eastern Switzerland» places long term unemployed people in non-profit organizations in meaningful part-time positions in line with their aptitudes, thereby fostering their social integration.

A structured week and new contacts

Jobseekers are referred to «HEKS/EPER Visit Eastern Switzerland» by the responsible social welfare office. «HEKS/EPER Visit Eastern Switzerland» ascertains their aptitudes and capabilities, seeks an appropriate opening in a charitable organization, and accompanies them to the interview. Participants spend two to twenty hours per week performing a meaningful task and so benefit from a structured week. They also make new contacts. Regular group meetings are held for the purpose of sharing experiences with other project participants. The charitable organizations also benefit, in that they can offer services that they would otherwise not be able to.

If you have further questions
Contact us

HEKS/EPER Visit Eastern Switzerland

Tellstrasse 4
9000 St. Gallen
Tel.: +41 71 222 94 60

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