Sports event dedicated to social cohesion for Ukrainian refugees in Moldova and locals

One Community, One Goal: Achieving Social Cohesion and Inclusion

HEKS/EPER in Moldova

HEKS/EPER has been operating in Moldova since 2004. From 2022, the mission has been specifically focusing on supporting refugees from Ukraine and vulnerable Moldovan host families. By May 2024, HEKS/EPER supported 43’244 project participants in Moldova within the Ukraine emergency response,  promoting social cohesion and resilience while providing essential assistance to those affected by the conflict.


HEKS/EPER Moldova operates in a unique context, as the country grapples with the challenges posed by its location on the border between Ukraine and Romania. With a population of approximately 2.6 million citizens, Moldova has become a significant destination for refugees fleeing the war in Ukraine. 
Since 2022, HEKS/EPER Moldova has been dedicated to address basic needs as well as fostering social cohesion and integrating Ukrainian refugees into Moldovan communities. Additionally, the organization provides crucial support to socially and economically vulnerable families, addressing the multifaceted needs arising from the ongoing crisis.


Objectives and priorities

HEKS/EPER Moldova is dedicated to fostering resilience and social cohesion between communities, benefiting vulnerable populations through targeted projects and initiatives. The projects empower refugees and Moldovan communities through employment and social cohesion opportunities, fostering economic empowerment and mutual support. While addressing emergency needs (cash assistance, protection, education), the organization conducts capacity-building initiatives and advocacy efforts to address systemic challenges and drive sustainable change. HEKS/EPER Moldova remains committed to promoting social cohesion and creating lasting change in Moldova.


Where, with whom and for whom we work

Amidst the war in Ukraine, Moldova faced an unprecedented humanitarian crisis, witnessing a massive influx of refugees. 

Therefore, since 2022, HEKS/EPER Moldova's projects have been strategically deployed in several locations, where the highest concentration of refugees was observed. In parallel, HEKS/EPER meets the localization requirements and community outreach in remote areas through the implementation of community-led projects, implemented across the entire Moldovan territory, including on the left bank of the Nistru river. The projects support refugees from Ukraine, host families, and socially vulnerable individuals from both countries. 

Collaborating with local NGOs, private companies, government agencies, international organizations, human rights experts, and the media, HEKS/EPER endeavors to reach and support as many individuals as possible. 

Specific efforts are made on fostering social cohesion and facilitating the inclusion of refugees into their new environment.



Discussion session within the social cohesion project between refugees, the project team (SDC) and local organizations from Moldova

Ongoing projects

Frau mit Kind in Moldova
andras d hajdu

Impact stories

Life Beyond War: HEKS/EPER Moldova's Support for Refugees

Ecaterina's life changed dramatically ten years ago when she was initially forced to leave the Donetsk region. She chose to move to Bakhmut, where her father lived. Not for a second did she suspect that her new home would once again be bombed. After a period marked by fear and uncertainty, she took her children, a 3-year-old boy and an 8-month-old girl, and decided to flee to Moldova. This happened in the spring of 2022.

A new beginning

"I didn’t even manage to pack my things," Ecaterina recalls with sadness. "I lived with my father in Bakhmut for almost two months, and when the city started being hit by rockets, I took my children and left."

Ecaterina, together with her two little ones, arrived in Moldova, her mother's homeland. However, the fear of war continued to haunt them for a long time. She remembers how, during a summer storm, her son hid under a table at a pizzeria, not understanding the difference between the sounds of rain and those of bombings.

Support and recovery

In such a difficult period, the support provided by the project "Achieving Resilience through Employment and Social Cohesion," implemented by HEKS/EPER Moldova, was essential. Ecaterina is one of the refugees who became part of a local organization in Moldova, which benefited from a grant provided by HEKS/EPER Moldova.

Here, she received psychological counseling and was integrated into the community through various social cohesion activities, such as museum and theater visits.

"I had no joy in life. I was doing everything for the children, but I was a cold mother. Thanks to counseling with the psychologist, I managed to recover. I started to feel different. The will to live appeared."

Reintegration into society

Thanks to these social activities, Ecaterina managed to find a job as a fitness trainer. Social activities, such as cooking pancakes or art therapy, gave her the opportunity to develop new skills and make friends.

"There, I also met the psychologist with whom I continue to consult. We also visited museums. The children socialize, which is equally important."

Ecaterina also emphasizes the importance of psychological support and community: "People need not so much a job, but the assurance of this peace of mind and confidence in their own strength. Many people think that a job can calm them down, but there is another part—the inner part."

Ecaterina's story is an example of resilience and hope, showing how, even in the most difficult moments, support can transform lives. Thanks to the efforts and resources of the HEKS/EPER Moldova project, many families like hers have managed to find a new beginning, thus contributing to the building of a more united and stronger society.

These materials were developed in the framework of the project "Achieving Resilience Through Employment and Social Cohesion", implemented in consortium by Helvetas Moldova and HEKS/EPER Moldova, with the financial support of the Swiss Government. Strategic implementation partner: National Employment Agency.

Sports for Social Cohesion

Smiles from children, joy, good vibes, and lots of sports – these were the perfect elements of the sports event "Movement for Social Cohesion," organized by HEKS/EPER Moldova as part of the "Building Resilience through Employment and Social Cohesion" project.

The morning started off lively, with the little participants arriving one by one. Soon, they, along with their parents, dressed in sports gear and began the warm-up. The atmosphere was filled with enthusiasm and energy, encouraging active participation from everyone present.

The next four hours were full of memorable moments. Both parents and children enjoyed various sports activities, and made new friends. The event culminated in a raffle, where participants had the chance to win prizes, adding an extra touch of joy to the day.

These activities are part of our "Building Resilience through Employment and Social Cohesion" project, supported by Swiss Cooperation in Moldova, implemented by HEKS/EPER Moldova and Helvetas. We are committed to promoting the socio-economic inclusion of refugees and vulnerable people in Moldova and Ukraine, thus contributing to the creation of a stronger and more united society.

Refugee from Ukraine who arrived in Moldova and shows on the phone the disaster in his home region

Finished projects

Further information