In over 30 countries across four continents, HEKS/EPER supports development cooperation projects to combat poverty and injustice and advocates for a life in dignity for all people. At the same time, HEKS/EPER strives for systemic change through its development work – in Switzerland and worldwide. HEKS/EPER provides humanitarian assistance around the world for victims of disasters caused by natural hazards and armed conflicts and supports the diaconal work of churches in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Through its programmes in Switzerland, HEKS/EPER champions the rights and causes of refugees and socially underprivileged people. In its projects around the world and in its work of raising awareness around development and social policy topics in Switzerland, HEKS/EPER places the emphasis on the four priorities of climate justice, the right to land and food, flight and migration, and integration.
In its projects at home and abroad and in its development and social policy work, HEKS/EPER focuses on the four priorities of climate justice, the right to land and food, flight and migration, and inclusion/integration.
HEKS/EPER abroad

HEKS/EPER in Switzerland
Through its programmes in Switzerland, HEKS/EPER fosters social inclusion for marginalized people, promotes equal opportunity and supports asylum seekers and other socially deprived people with legal advice. HEKS/EPER also sees itself as a driving force in the shaping of public opinion on various development and social policy issues. Through regular campaigns on specific topics, HEKS/EPER promotes and supports awareness-raising in Switzerland regarding development policy issues.

Working methods
HEKS/EPER projects promote help for self-help, are geared to the needs and resources of those concerned and are implemented in concert with them. HEKS/EPER staff are in constant dialogue with project participants, partner organizations, sponsoring institutions, donors and cantonal reformed churches. HEKS/EPER works with local partner organizations abroad. HEKS/EPER Coordination Offices employ local people.

The 2030 Agenda
The “2030 Agenda” represents a global plan put forward by the UN to promote sustainable development up to 2030. The 17 goals and 169 targets it contains – the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – and the guiding principle of "leaving no one behind" constitute a key priority and frame of reference for the work of HEKS/EPER abroad and in Switzerland. Equal access to social, economic, cultural and political life is, after all, the basis for prosperous, inclusive and peaceful societies.
Based on the dignity of every human being, the following are HEKS/EPER core values: justice, self-determination, solidarity, help without ethnic, social, religious or other barriers, responsibility, participation, closeness to people and effective action. These values should be perceptible in all spheres: in programmes and projects, in fundraising and communications, and in dealings with employees and partners.

For us, the trust of our donors, clients, partner organizations and of all who engage with and for us is paramount. Ethical and moral values are therefore the bedrock of our work. The ZEWO quality label is confirmation that HEKS/EPER utilizes the funds entrusted to it economically, effectively and for their designated purpose. HEKS/EPER also makes an external whistleblowing platform available to its employees and third parties through which they can report misconduct or breaches of the Code of Conduct or the Field Financial Guidelines. In this way, HEKS/EPER remains accountable to donors, churches, staff and beneficiaries.

Transparency is crucial to responsible and effective action. HEKS/EPER has laid out its principles in this regard in its own Transparency Code. On the one hand, the Code constitutes action guidelines for HEKS/EPER personnel and on the other, it informs the public as to how HEKS/EPER understands transparency. In an annual Transparency Report, HEKS/EPER reviews compliance with the guidelines.