Reaching out to communities
Information sessions are organized in places where ageing migrants live, involving specialized social and health services personnel as well as an intercultural mediator from the cultural community concerned. Drop-in help centres provide beneficiaries with individualized information and put them in touch with the facilities competent to address their problems. Recreational, sporting and cultural activities are organized to combat isolation, focusing on physical and mental well-being and encouraging encounters. The project also aims to strengthen collaboration with players in the health and social services in Vaud and raise their awareness of interculturalism in attending to migrants.
Further information in French
If you have further questions
Contact us
HEKS/EPER (Swiss Interchurch Aid)
Age and Migration
Elma Hadžikadunić
Chemin de Bérée 4A
Case postale 536
1001 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 613 40 70