HEKS Triangel Ostschweiz
Annette Boutellier
Eastern Switzerland

Back in the job market

HEKS/EPER Eastern Switzerland Triangle

The HEKS/EPER Eastern Switzerland Triangle project is geared towards unemployed speakers of foreign languages. They are given information, their personal vocational situation is assessed and they receive individual job application training, all of which helps improve their chances of re-entering the job market.

Back in the job market

Jobless people need places where they can meet. Counselling and further training often help the unemployed escape social isolation. At the same time they are given effective assistance in re-entering the labour market. At the request of the Office for Economic Affairs and Employment of the Canton of Thurgau, HEKS/EPER runs programmes for unemployed foreign-language speakers under the Eastern Switzerland Triangle project. After being referred by the RAV [regional employment centre], they have the opportunity to participate in a six-day continuing training course entitled «Status assessment - job application» (Standortbestimmung – Stellenbewerbung) and to practise the German vocabulary of job seeking. The course is intended for foreign language-speaking job-seekers with or without vocational training. These programmes facilitate the lasting integration of job-seekers into the world of work.

If you have further questions
Contact us

HEKS Triangel Ostschweiz
Regula Borrer
Weinfelderstrasse 11
8580 Amriswil
Tel.: +41 71 414 03 58
Mail: triangel-ostschweiz@heks.ch

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