Intensive practical French
InfoSuisse 50+ offers 12-week, intensive French courses for asylum seekers aged 50 and over and recently arrived in Switzerland. Held on three half-days a week, the courses cover priority topics relevant to daily life in Switzerland such as health, housing and retirement, which are illustrated in practice through outings organized around specific topics. Outings also help participants get to know their local surroundings better. This immersion approach to language learning combats social isolation by expanding people's social networks. The Café-Français enables people to consolidate their knowledge of French by regularly practising the language in a convivial atmosphere.
Further information in French
If you have further questions
Contact us
HEKS/EPER (Swiss Interchurch Aid)
Elma Hadžikadunić
Chemin de Bérée 4A
Case postale 536
1001 Lausanne
Tél. +41 21 613 40 70