HEKS leistet humanitäre Hilfe
Mark Demayo
Humanitarian aid

Saving lives - alleviating hardship

Humanitarian aid

In the event of disasters caused by natural hazards and during and after armed conflicts, HEKS/EPER provides emergency aid worldwide to quickly improve the living conditions of the civilian population. The first priority is the provision of vital supplies such as water, food, toiletries and temporary shelter. HEKS/EPER also helps to restore economic livelihoods, rebuild destroyed homes and infrastructure and protect citizens from future disasters and conflicts.

People who were already at risk of poverty, hunger and discrimination are especially hard-hit by the consequences of natural disasters and armed conflicts. This is why HEKS/EPER deems medium and long-term thinking to be critical in matters of humanitarian aid. “Building Back Better” is the guiding principle in working with the affected people to build something sustainable and positive out of emergency situations. Cash projects like "Cash for work" enable people to play an active part in rebuilding infrastructure and the local economy. In payment for their work, families receive cash or cash credit cards with which they can buy the goods they really need at the local market. Cash projects help people earn an income and boost their purchasing power, in turn helping the local economy and markets to thrive. To better prepare them for the future, HEKS/EPER assists the affected people and local and national authorities logistically, financially and with knowhow during the planning and implementation of disaster preparedness measures.

Examples of projects

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