TransformAction Lab

You feel ready to face the challenges of the future and are open to view the climate crisis as an occasion to radically reimagine the world we live in. Acknowledging inner change as a prerequisite for external transformation, you want to take action. Let's move forward together. As Otto Scharmer said:

This is the moment when what we need most is enough people with the skill, heart and wisdon to help pull ourselves back from the edge of breakdown and onto a different path.

In times of climate crisis, TransformAction Lab stands for change, action and the courage to experiment with new ways of being and living. We support people and organisations who want to contribute to the socio-ecological transition in Switzerland. As a HEKS/EPER programme, our aim is to promote climate justice and do our part in creating a liveable world for future generations. 

We don’t believe in ready-made solutions, but instead aim to: 

  • raise awareness about the interconnectedness between current social and ecological issues 
  • accompany processes of inner transformation, in particular by addressing personal values, emotions and lifestyle choices. 
  • recognise and explore individual and collective opportunities to engage in climate protection and climate justice

In our workshops, we utilise numerous internationally established approaches and combine them with our many years of experience in climate topics, process design, facilitation and communications. TransformAction Lab resulted from the merger of two HEKS projects: the Laboratoire de la transition intérieure, active in French-speaking Switzerland since 2016, and the Carbon Conversations, which HEKS launched in German-speaking Switzerland in 2019. 

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Who we work with: