Networking and mutual support are two essential keys to meeting the challenges of our time. Since 2016, the TransformAction Lab (former Laboratoire de transition intérieure) has initiated four networks and collaborated with numerous organisations. Perhaps there are synergies between your activities and ours? Then we would love to hear from you!
Our own networks
TransformAction Lab
Séquoias network
The Séquoias network is a network of support professionals who are sensitive to and committed to eco-anxiety issues. Set up in 2020 in French-speaking Switzerland, it was supported by the TransformAction Lab when it first emerged. The network aims to be independent and has now entered into a form of partnership with the TransformAction Lab.
The Reliance au Vivant collective is an emerging network of Deep Ecology facilitators whose aim is to experiment with and offer activities linked to inner transformation. It was created in 2024, following on from the Essaimeuses network run by the TransformAction Lab.
The Carbon Conversations moderation network comprises 100 people from different backgrounds who offer Carbon Conversations in their region and neighbourhood on a voluntary basis. They have all taken part in Carbon Conversations and have subsequently been trained by HEKS/EPER in facilitating Carbon Conversations. The network has its own newsletter and annual meetings are held (online and offline).
Since 2016, we have been supporting groups and individuals in dealing with the psychological and cultural aspects of the climate crisis. We use our experience to support your company or organisation on the path to a climate-friendly organisational culture.
The climate crisis is worrying you and you are wondering what you can do about it. In our workshops you will meet like-minded people, find ways to transform your emotions into personal actions that make a difference.
Young people are the ones who will have to adapt the most to the effects of climate change. Many are feeling anxious about an increasingly uncertain future. We support youth groups in making sense of the complexity of the climate crisis and empower them to turn hopelessness into meaningful action.